Saturday, April 19, 2008

Of Alzheimers...and love...

Watched Ajay Devgan's directorial debut 'U,Me aur Hum' last weekend...While ajay does a commendable effort as a director (which u can notice only if u manage to survive the never-ending and extremely trite 1st hour :)) and delivers a sensitive and heart-warming movie about love and obstacles in life,what really got me thinking was the basic premise of the story...

In the movie,the protagonist's wife suffers frm Alzheimers disease, which leads to potentially dangerous and unnerving situations for her hubby as wel as her young baby,not to mention herself...and the protagonist,being a psychiatrist himself, finally gives in to the professional voice within his mind and admits her to a care centre under excellent care of his senior doctor and staff,in a bid to avoid damage to her as well as him and the baby...However,a few months later,he wakes up to the reality and admits to himself and his frnds tht it was a selfish thot aftr al to take her away frm her home and her newborn under the pretext of makin life better for her when in fact,it was actually to make life better for finally,he gets her back home an lives wit her thru thick and thin...marking a successful marriage despite the monumental obstacle...

now,what really got me thnkin was if its actually possible to send someone you love so dearly to a care centre an detach his/her life frm urs completely and also,on the othr hand,is it really practical to keep the person wit u whn u know it cud, and probably wil, worsen his/her condition?Hmmm...gues thrs no simple answer to tht one...i thnk i'd personally find it tough to detach some1 so close to me frm my life...i wud rather keep the person wit me and care for him/her...but then again,sayin so is much easier than doing it...the real dilemma is,which one of these acts is more selfish?-keeping the person wit u bcoz u want to b wit him thru everything even while knowing it cud b fatal for tht person OR sending him to a better equipped place for the purpose bcoz u cant bear to c him/her in so much pain...

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