Sunday, September 13, 2009

Carnal humor?

This conversation happened today afternoon when me and my roomie, Adrit went shopping at Trader Joe's...

Adrit: Dude, u have picked up a lot of breasts! u sure seem to lik them!
Me: I like breasts!
Adrit: I picked up some thighs....i thot those wud b enough!
Me: Well...lets have some breasts too!
Adrit: U like breasts more or thighs?
Me: I kinda like both!!
Adrit: Ok lets take both then!

And then we realise tht quite a few ppl around r staring at us!

Later, as we moved to the billing counter, the chick thr got into the conversation...

Billing chick: I wonder why breasts r more expensive than thighs!
Adrit: Hmm...true its always tht way!
Me: ?!!
Adrit: I think thts because they have more meat than the thighs...that makes sense rit?
Billing chick: Yeah tht sounds rit...breasts r always more juicy than thighs...thr u go...have a nice meal... :)

If u havent guessed it yet, we were shopping for some chicken.


Harshvardhan Pande said...

"I think thts because they have more meat than the thighs" - thats true for the ideal case, not always, i.e. if ur not talkin abt chicken ;)

Anonymous said...

good one dude