Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Will Saina go the Sania way??? I hope not...

While watching all the adulation this precocious 18 year old is receiving for her fabulous performances in recent times, a rather strange thought struck my mind....Will this seemingly simple and highly talented girl's talent also get buried under the barrage of multinational sponsors, glamorous ad shoots, huge fan-base, spectators knowing zilch abt baddy wanting to watch her matches with 'ulterior' motives, careless statements, bollywood boyfriends, "anti-india" sentiments, unwanted stalkers, mms scandals, bold t-shirt slogans, broken wrists and short skirts??? Only time can tell....but i sincerely hope not...we dont need another pin-up girl, who flatters to deceive...

1 comment:

Harshvardhan Pande said...

even if she is level headed, the media [soon turning into the paparazzi] will make it almost impossible for her not to get carried away.
and in some ways, maybe its both ways, as in; would Sania really want tennis victories as badly as she did 4 yrs back; the crores of rupees do have some corroding effect on sincerity on most ppl!