Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The One

No no...I am not inspired by the lame Jet Li-starrer of the same name that ushered a new era in banality a few years ago :D This is the title of a poem i had written in my third year of UG...sometim in Dec 2005...while preparing for my GRE (there goes the widely-held misconception - tht i was 'ultra' sincere in my GRE prep - for a toss :D ) I am not really a poetic kinda guy - I lack the patience - but don know how and why i composed this just sort of flowed...and no prizes for guessing whr i composed it :)

I am reproducing the poem below for people who mit be genuinely interested...and also for those searching for an opportuinity to tk a potshot at me :P

The One
Standing at the crossroads
When you have a say,
It is way too easy
To take the easier way

Ignore the righteous path
And just let it be,
'That'll take gumption,
And it is not for me'

The one who treads the lonely path
And walks the tougher lane,
No doubt will be bruised
And tested time and again.

Will take more than mere grit
To see him safely through,
Delve deeper in your psyche
And see if it can be you.

The poem was published in COEP's Annual Magazine for 2006-07 'Niyanta' ...altho m not sure if it was due to its "merits" or some othr reason :)

P.S. : For anyone who hs managed to yawn to the bottom of the post, the poem was conceptualised(i was tempted to use the word 'conceived' but (wisely) decided against it :) ) in one of the bath cubicles of the great D block of COEP hostel, while i was taking a bath...weird, isnt it! :)


Anup Gosavi said...

Gud one man...

Amruta said...

hey thats awesome! concise and the dilemma put into perfect words!

Rohan said...

great work dude.. ekach doubt hota!!! lonely path asel tar bruise kasa hoshil!!! masochist ahes ka!!!

btw this is my first peek at ur bolg..will surely contribute to the non filmy posts!!!

Mukta said...

Hey... you found it! cool

Shantanu said...

thx all!

@ro : we all r masochists in one way or the other...i'm sure you agree :)

jaya' said...

Gooood One, u have poetic talents, work on them!