Monday, July 13, 2009

New Dork!

A glitzy, much-cliched, occasionally gripping, often boring, more cosmetic, less hertfelt, stereotypical YRF stuff, thts saved frm being pure YRF-trash by a sensible director with some conviction and a heart somewhat in the right place and competent performances by John and Irrfan Khan and yet let down by unnecessary and unwarranted glamour, one-dimensional Neil, laughable loopholes, and an extremely banal, pointless and senseless climax, tht made me laugh my guts out at the end of the film when i shud hv been touched by the sensitive material on display....Its a crime to make a bad movie, but its a bigger crime to spoil an excellent concept, which in fact is pretty gripping till the last hour! Congos YRF on doing it yet again!

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