Monday, March 9, 2009

Mirror mirror on the wall...

After the revolution-inducing RDB, ROM is back with a different kind of a journey...while RDB sparked a mass awakening, Delhi 6 is more a journey into ones own psyche...a journey of discovering our own prejudices, convictions, biases and putting them in perspective of the society...a journey of a deeper, more meaningful, inner realisation...

While Delhi-6 is a study in metaphors, what limits its overall impact is the fact tht not many in our society hv the patience and open-mindedness to delve deeper into the layers and absorb the morale...ths is precisely why the movie hs flopped...nevertheless, such movies cn never be measured in terms of the money they make...D6 succeeds in wt it sets out to prove and tht is its biggest victory, despite the cliche-laden, icky climax...I personally loved the metaphors used to depict the maladies ailing our mindsets, and consequently, our society...the acting by the ensemble cast is apt and drives home the point with elan...of particular note r the acts by Atul Kulkarni, Pawan Malhotra and Divya Dutta...the music is fitting and used intelligently...the cinematography is visceral and creates a perfect ambience for the tale to b told...the background music, however, is jarring at times and the fact tht ARR complted it in 5 days, in the week b4 the release, explains why!

ROM is in sublime form, especially with the Kaala Bandar bit and the mirror incident...however, subtlety is somehow lost in the climax, whr BigB had to make an appearance and spoil the party :( sadly, it ensures dilution of the impact tht the movie hs created til thn...and the consequent re-birth of AB ws totally uncald for...a populist gimmick for sure...yet, u hv to giv it to ROM for having the gumption to paint such a gutsy revelation on celluloid...for in todays society, whr ppl r busy minding thr own business, nobody likes to be told wats wrong with thm as a society...tht is wt elevates the movie to dizzyingly honest heights...unfortunately, it also proves to be the movie's bane, commercially...

nevertheless, masterful effort....which sadly went largely unnoticed and unappreciated... :(


Papillon said...

I think you should work as a professional film know exactly what to expect and what to see in the movie and u write it down in excellent way! Always enjoy ur film reviews...:)

Shantanu said...

thx dude! :)