Sunday, August 10, 2008


To say that 'The Dark Knight' is a masterpiece would be a gross gross understatement...I can safely say tht i have seen no movie with so many layers to it, movie which not just keeps you on the edge of the seat for those blessed 2.5 hrs but which also makes you question ur own beliefs on morality and good and evil and above all, which makes you feel great after those 22 reels in the dark are over, not bcoz ur finally done with it,but bcoz u want more!!! Kudos to Nolan and his team for giving us this dark,brooding,intelligent and yet,adrenaline-pumping,pulse-racing rocker-of-a-movie, which no doubt, will go down the annals of history as a well-deserved classic!

I dont feel inclined to review the movie, simply because reviewing somethng as phenomenal as this is akin to insulting the movie-making effort! Just a word or two about the best performer of the show...You may hv read reams about how great Heath Ledger is as Joker, how he fleshes out the character in his own inimitable way, blah blah blah....All i hv to say is.... Ledger takes the audience by the scruff of the neck and immerses them in a whirlpool of such masterful psychological deceit that you connect to your own darker side like never ever before....Now if tht performance doesnt deserve an Oscar, nothing fact, they shud rename the Oscars and call them the Joker's :) An overstatement probably, but just watch the Joker slurp away gleefully in the most tense of moments and u'll know wat i mean! :) His dialogue delivery, his swagger, the philosophy behind his character just blow you away...

That Nolan is a master at his job was evident in Memento, the lesser known Insomnia and Batman Begins...With TDK, he proves he's not just a gr8 storyteller but also adept at making you delve deeper into your psyche and question ur long-held conventions....

The Dark Knight raises the bar so high tht few movies probably might manage to become even half as entertaining and thought-provoking, if they care to try hard enough...Its one of those rare movies which you will watch again and again and again and again and again.....and yet everytime find some new layer till then hidden frm view...

A stupendous, worthy-of-a-bow effort!


Harshvardhan Pande said...

I saw this movie 1 night before my all important interview and that i got the job has no connection to The Dark Knight, but in some ways it just speaks volumes of how amazing this movie was that even though i had such an important event coming up i had to watch it and once i saw it i was ready to watch it again the very next day. Its a superb movie, am yet to find someone who did not like it! And even if by some hideous miracle a person did not like it, i wouldn't care a damn!

Papillon said...

I have read the posts about this movie on a lot of blogs (even I have also tried one..but very shortly :() and everyone has written so good about the movie that the role of Heath has a deep impact on everyone.!!!
Truely this film is not only the best film in superhero types but also in the main stream films because of the philosophy with which everyone can relate.
I was surprised that you wrote about this film so late:P

Shantanu said...

hmmm...i wrote abt it late bcoz i saw it late :) yesterday...and solely bcoz i cudnt get tickets for past 3 weekends!!!

Unknown said...

Very well written blog, I must say..
Well we all were feeling it after watching such a masterpiece & you have managed to justify those feelings with some words...

Good blog, much much better movie!!

Vinit Kulkarni said...

Really a great movie... a masterpiece.
After coming out of the theater... what I could remember was only the Joker.All credit goes to the Director and great Heath.
Waiting for its sequel, I read some where that Johny Depp is going to play the role of the Joker for next Batman movie.